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Race director Nigel Tillott wants to go out on a high as Gloucester 10K attracts 1,000 entries

All Areas > Sport > Running

Author: Roger Jackson, Posted: Thursday, 20th June 2024, 12:00

The Gloucester 10K takes place on Sunday 30th June The Gloucester 10K takes place on Sunday 30th June

This month’s Gloucester 10K is sold out which means that 1,000 runners have entered the ever-popular event.

Last year’s race also sold out – it was capped at 950 competitors – and race director Nigel Tillott is obviously delighted.

“We’re very fortunate,” he told The Local Answer. “And we’re very pleased to reach 1,000.”

This year’s race gets under way in Gloucester Park at 8.30am on Sunday 30th June and part of its ongoing appeal is that it is very much a community event.

“It’s all run by volunteers,” said Tillott, who is also chairman of Tewkesbury Running Club. 

“All the money we make goes to charity. We obviously attract some good runners but we also attract runners of all ages and ability, we want everyone to have fun.”

And it certainly seems that more and more people are realising that running can be a lot of fun.

“The parkruns have helped,” continued Tillott. “Once people have run 5K it’s not too big a jump to run a 10K after you get to a certain level of fitness, it’s a good next target.”

And those taking part in the race will have plenty to take in while they’re running.

“Yes, they will,” added Tillott. “It’s all about showing Gloucester off, it’s a city with a great history. The runners will go past the cathedral, down to the docks/quays and along the canal.

“There’s a chance to do a lot of sightseeing, Gloucester has a lot to offer.”

Last year’s race was won by Bristol and West AC runner Ben Robinson in a time of 31 minutes, 48.8 seconds, and Tillott, who at his best could run a sub-40 minutes 10K, is expecting another fast time this time around.

“There will certainly be some runners close to 30 minutes, that’s quick,” he said.

But it’s not just about the quick runners, of course.

“The great thing about running is that just about anyone can do it,” said Tillott. “A lot of clubs welcome anyone of any level.

“You take what you can from it. Some people want to run faster, others want an age group win and for some just getting round is the target.

“There are so many things you can get out of running, it’s very individual. You don’t have to be a superstar runner.”

Tillott has been running for some 20 years – he started when he was 40 – and this year will be the 11th time he has run the Gloucester 10K.

It will also be his last as race director.

“I think it’s time to give someone else a chance,” he said. “I think I’ve done my time.”

He will still help out, of course, and is determined to go out on a high.

So how does he think he’ll feel when everything is done and dusted a week on Sunday?

“Relieved,” he said. “There’s a lot of work involved, more than anything I really want it to go well.

“If it does I’ll be tired and very pleased, and I might even be a bit emotional!”

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