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Sue and Keith Gore will be centre stage in Hatherley with annual charity day

All Areas > Sport > General

Author: Roger Jackson, Posted: Thursday, 11th July 2024, 10:30

Keith and Sue Gore Keith and Sue Gore

Andy Gore will be doing plenty of running around at the weekend.

As a stalwart member of Cheltenham Harriers that’s pretty normal behaviour, of course, but on Saturday he’ll be running around with a difference.

That’s because the 54-year-old middle-distance runner will be helping his mum and dad, Sue and Keith, run their annual garage sale, something that has become a summer highlight in Hatherley, Cheltenham.

All the proceeds go to charity with a different one chosen each year.

This year all the proceeds are going to Hope for Tomorrow – a charity that helps the NHS to bring cancer treatment closer to patients with mobile cancer care units – and Andy said: “It’s amazing what my parents do, they get about 100 people turning up.

“They’ve been doing it for the past eight years or so, they’ve raised a lot of money." 

But while the garage sale is a one-off annual event, money is being raised throughout the year.

“My sister Alison is always selling items on social media which all adds to the funds raised,” said Andy.

Alison will be supporting her parents on Saturday and Andy continued: “People donate things all through the year – TVs, bikes, sofas, all sorts. Their house is always full of stuff.

"Over the years they've raised about £25,000.”

Keith also sells plants, which he grows in his garden, while Sue bakes up a storm selling her home-made cakes, all for sale on the big day.

“Last year it rained all day but they still raised about £850,” added Andy.

“They sell as much as they can on the day and what’s left over they take to charitable shops, such as the Butterfly Garden, near Staverton.”

It goes without saying that Sue and Keith’s focus is on raising as much money as possible on Saturday but sadly, this may well be their last big garage sale at their home in Faringdon Road, a home where they have lived since 1974.

“They’re in their 80s,” said Andy. “Dad is 80 and mum is 81, they’d like to scale it back.”

Both Sue and Keith were involved in sport back in the day and Sue, who was a social swimmer and badminton player, still goes to the gym.

Keith was a youth team manager at FC Lakeside when Andy was in his teens and went on to have a stint as a football referee. He was also a member of Dowty Bowls Club.

Saturday’s garage sale runs from noon to 4pm and everyone is welcome, come rain or shine.

For more information about Hope for Tomorrow, visit https://hopefortomorrow.org.uk/

Other Images

The garage sale is a popular event in Hatherley
About 100 people usually turn up to the annual garage sale
Sue and Keith Gore have raised about £25,000 for charity over the past few years

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