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Get a grip on winter driving

All Areas > Motors > Motoring

Author: Christian Tilbury, Posted: Wednesday, 24th December 2014, 08:00

With harsh weather and short days, winter is far from the nicest time to take to the road. The conditions place a greater strain on your car so it’s more than a little wise to make sure that yours is prepared for all that nature can throw at it.

Your car’s battery, lights, tyres, antifreeze, exhaust, ventilation system and windscreen wipers all have to work harder during the winter months, and a few minutes spent checking their condition and levels is a great way to protect yourself from getting caught out by an easily avoidable breakdown. Spending 10 minutes each week inspecting your car will ensure it can handle winter, will help keep you and your passengers safe and even save you money – simple checks can often highlight any issues before they turn into bigger and more expensive problems.

If you want to literally avoid getting stuck then it’s also worth considering a set of winter tyres – especially if you own a rear-wheel drive car that is more likely to struggle for grip when the going gets tough. Granted, they don’t usually come cheap, but they do offer significant benefits compared to ‘normal’ tyres and not just in snow and ice – they provide better performance when the temperature drops below 7°C. A higher level of silica in their construction works to make them more supple than ‘normal’ tyres and, with a special tread pattern that enhances grip, they can drastically cut braking distances in ice or snow and even just when the road is wet.

A more affordable way to get you out of a slippery situation are snow socks – proving ideal when you need to get going on that country lane or even simply help you negotiate areas that are off the standard gritting routes, such as housing estates. The socks simply slip over the driving wheels to instantly aid traction and can usually be bought for any size of tyre. In fact, even some supermarkets sell them. Of course, nothing can guarantee you won’t get caught out, so ensure you’ve always got a good shovel, sturdy footwear and a high visibility vest in the boot for when there’s no other choice but to dig yourself out!

The best advice when it comes to winter driving though, is to simply take it easy and reduce your speed. If you’re tackling snow or ice then be gentle on the brakes and accelerator and avoid sharp steering input – especially on corners. To slow down without locking your wheels, select a low gear early, let your speed fall and gently apply the brakes – remember, in such conditions you may need 10 times the normal distance to stop.

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