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Tackling homelessness

Cheltenham > Local Information > Mayor's Memo

Author: Mayor Paul Baker, Posted: Wednesday, 28th August 2024, 09:00

Events have been coming thick and fast, here are some of the highlights...

Pathway Home Housing at Cheltenham YMCA

The opening of this brand new facility is so important in helping to tackle homelessness – a huge problem across our country and a real problem in Cheltenham too.

The Borough Council is investing £180m in affordable homes, but these will take time to deliver – so I was delighted to attend the opening of the YMCA’s new accommodation, delivering 14 en suite bedrooms and 9 studio flats to complement the 73 rooms opened in 2015. Residents are able to transition during their stay, with support to develop their life skills and independence. The YMCA plays a pivotal role in our town and their work is critical in tackling homelessness – it was humbling to meet the staff, trustees and residents.

Pate’s Almshouses celebrate 450th Anniversary

On the subject of housing, I enjoyed afternoon tea to celebrate the 450th Anniversary of the Pates Almshouses in Albion Street which provide affordable homes to 10 local people. Chatting with residents – who are very happy to be able to live independently – was a pleasure, and meeting my former geography teacher Noel Furley and the new Head of Pate’s Grammar School. Dr James Richardson was a bonus.

International links

Cheltenham is, rightly, very proud of its international links – through its festivals, independent schools, twinning links and language schools.

I recently enjoyed meeting students from Göttingen to talk about my role as Mayor, and we had a lively discussion about some of our cultural differences, notably electoral systems and the role of the private rented sector where, in Germany, considerably greater security for tenants makes the rental market far more attractive. I then presented certificates to students from China, Spain, Hungary and Columbia (all studying at the Inlingua Summer School) in the magnificent Princess Hall at the Ladies’ College.

Heritage Open Days & Public Arts Trail

I attended the launch of the popular Heritage Open Days at Spa Bowling Club which is celebrating its centenary. Organised by the fabulous Civic Society which plays such an important role in our town, and running from 6th-15th September, open days are an opportunity for everyone to visit some of our finest buildings. The new Cheltenham Public Arts Trail (well, 3 trails to be precise!) was also launched – a brilliant opportunity to discover public art in and around the town centre – visit www.visitcheltenham.com/art-trail for details.

We are privileged to live in such a wonderful town but let us never forget there are real challenges for many.

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