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Cheltenham Mayor's December round-up

All Areas > Local Information > Mayor's Memo

Author: Paul Baker, Posted: Tuesday, 17th December 2024, 09:00

Meeting Santa and the Princesses at Pittville Pump Room Meeting Santa and the Princesses at Pittville Pump Room

Visiting Santa
It was a delight to welcome Santa to the Regent Arcade and see the smiles on the children’s faces as they met and chatted to him. Thank you to Cheltenham Bid for organising so many events in the town and helping to raise money for my charities.

Pittville Pump Room Christmas Lights Switch On
It was then on to the Pump Room for the lights switch on. This was a fabulous event – very noisy with music and dance, craft stalls, mulled wine and the arrival of Santa to switch on the lights. Despite the appalling weather there was a big crowd, so well done to everyone involved at the Cheltenham Trust.

Cheltenham Samaritans
The Samaritans are a wonderful charity and it was a pleasure to meet up with local manager Andy Goddard and chat to some of the volunteers. They have around 150 volunteers and are available 24 hours a day, providing confidential emotional support – freephone 116123. They are always looking for new volunteers so if you are interested in finding out more, visit www.samaritans.org/cheltenham

Local graduation ceremonies
Education plays a huge part in Cheltenham’s economy, employing thousands of people and providing a huge choice of opportunities. I was therefore delighted to attend graduation ceremonies for the University of Gloucestershire, Gloucestershire College and Hartpury College. Such joyous occasions with a lot of clapping! Congratulations to both the tutors and students.

Cheltenham Street Pastors 15th Anniversary
It was a pleasure to attend a reception marking the 15th anniversary of the Cheltenham Street Pastors at St. Michael’s Church. The pastors patrol our town centre every Saturday, race days and alternate Fridays from 10pm to 4am, offering a safe haven for vulnerable people as well as water, lollipops and flip flops. Volunteers come from churches across the town and really do make a difference to support our invaluable night-time economy.

New opening for Ableworld
I was delighted to open a new branch of Ableworld in the former golf shop on the Tewkesbury Road. The mobility scooter was brilliant and the staff were so knowledgeable and welcoming. Good luck with your new outlet.

Happy New Year!
And finally may I wish everyone a healthy and happy 2025 with the hope we will begin to see an end to war, conflict and division in our world.


Other Images

Marking the 15th anniversary of the Cheltenham Street Pastors at St. Michael’s Church
Santa and his helpers raising funds in the Regent Arcade
Opening a new branch of Ableworld
Paul Baker with Cheltenham Samaritans manager Andy Goddard

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