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Author: Councillor Rowena Hay, Posted: Wednesday, 25th September 2024, 09:00

Like everywhere, the world of local government really picks up after the summer break, and since September I’ve been reminded just how much variety there is in my role as a local ward councillor and Leader of the Council.

In October, I’ll be attending the national Local Government Association Conference in Harrogate. Senior leaders from local authorities all across the country come together to discuss current issues we are facing, as well as looking forward to the future.

The conference was originally planned for July, but was postponed because of the General Election, so it will be interesting to hear what Government Ministers tell us about their plans and ideas for local government in the months and years ahead – as, like so many other parts of the public sector, we have lots of challenges we need to address!

Encouraging economic prosperity, growth and investment

As Leader, I also get to attend meetings of something called the Western Gateway partnership. This is a collection of local authorities that spans the west of England and south Wales and looks at how we can, together, encourage economic prosperity, growth and investment in the region.

When I attend national and regional meetings and conferences, I always come away thinking about how what has been discussed will benefit my local residents and Cheltenham as a whole.

Every few weeks I volunteer at my local community centre to help prepare and serve a soup lunch. I love doing this as it’s one of the best ways to meet and engage with the people I represent and listen to what they have to tell me – what’s going well and what is not. Without doubt, the last few years have been unimaginably tough for many families right across Cheltenham, and it’s those families and our communities that are always at the forefront of my mind when I go to conferences and events in my role as Leader.

­My view is that creating growth and jobs doesn’t solve anything if local people, especially those that need help and support the most, don’t benefit. It is a never-ending challenge, but it is one I relish.

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