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Delivering Plan B

All Areas > Local Information > Leader's Life

Author: Councillor Jeremy Hilton, Posted: Wednesday, 25th September 2024, 09:00

The regeneration of the Kings Quarter has had a long gestation going back to before 2011 when a development partner was appointed. The then scheme was primarily retail led and included building on part of Kings Square. Plan A was abandoned in 2016. I was one of those members encouraging the council to have a rethink.

In 2017, the council began work on Plan B, which has now become the Forum, the modern bus station, and a new Kings Square. This project has enjoyed cross party support. I am delighted to be taking it to its completion.

In my role as the new cabinet member for regeneration, I recently toured the Forum to see progress on the construction work with my cabinet colleague Councillor Rebecca Trimnell. We were both impressed.

Providing retail, housing and around 1,000 new jobs

The Forum is a major investment by the city council, and it will have a new multi-storey car park, a 4-star hotel, retail, housing, ultra-modern office spaces and more. It will provide around 1,000 new jobs. It should provide a surplus commercial income for the city council to invest in its own services.

The Forum will also help kickstart further regeneration in the locality and, along with the new university campus, create a more vibrant economy around Kings Square. It will also be a catalyst for more city centre living as other properties nearby are repurposed for residential use.

Gloucester city centre will also have a new, inviting transport hub following on from the building of the bus station, works to the railway station and the 398-space car park with electric vehicle charging points and secure bicycle parking.

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