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Council changes in Gloucester

All Areas > Local Information > Leader's Life

Author: Councillor Jeremy Hilton, Posted: Friday, 26th July 2024, 09:00

On the 2nd of May 2024, all out elections were held to Gloucester City Council. Thirty-nine councillors were elected for a four-year term, 23 of which are returning councillors and 16 are newly elected.

The political balance has also changed as the Liberal Democrats became the largest group with 17 members, the Conservatives on 11, Labour have seven members, and there are four independents.

The new city council met for its AGM on the 20th of May, where the first task was to elect the Mayor and Sheriff. These civic offices are shared out proportionally between the groups and this year it was the Conservatives’ turn to nominate. Councillor Lorraine Campbell is the new Mayor and Councillor Pam Tracey is the new Sheriff.

Afterwards, council agreed the leader of the council. I am honoured to have been elected by my peers to serve as the council leader, for the city of my birth.

The Liberal Democrats now lead a minority administration via the cabinet system, where collaboration and cooperation between the political groups is needed in order to do what is best for the city of Gloucester.

“Putting the Heart back into Gloucester”

The cabinet will now prepare a new council plan, its corporate strategy, with the aim to improve council services. It will be based on our manifesto, ‘Putting the Heart back into Gloucester’.

The cabinet portfolios are:

Leader & regeneration – Jeremy Hilton
Deputy & resources – Declan Wilson
Culture & Leisure – Caroline Courtney
Community Engagement – Rebecca Trimnell
Housing – Luke Shervey
Planning – Sarah Sawyer
Environment – Sebastian Field

I look forward to bringing you updates on what is happening in the city in my new monthly column.

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