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Much loved local musician announces retirement

All Areas > Entertainment > Music

Author: Thomas Hadfield, Posted: Saturday, 26th January 2019, 09:00

Paul Phillips Paul Phillips

The Dursley Male Voice Choir has announced that their popular and gifted accompanist, Paul Phillips, is set to retire.

An accomplished and talented pianist and organist, Paul has also stepped down from playing the organ at St Bartholomew’s Church in Cam and also St Bartholomew’s Church in Coaley after many years.

Dursley Male Voice Choir member Stan Unwin said: “Paul is the principal accompanist with the choir, but ill-health has meant prolonged absences, and we are sad to announce his retirement.”

Paul started playing piano at the age of five and studied at the Trinity College of Music in London.

He eventually opened his own music school in the local area teaching piano and music theory.

In demand as an accompanist at various events, most notably the Cheltenham Music Festival, Paul toured Canada, Austria and Germany with the Dursley Male Voice Choir, performing in the Mozarteum in Salzburg and St Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna.

Paul is retiring from his second stint as principal accompanist, having also played with the Dursley Male Voice Choir from 2003 to 2009.

He said: “It will be a big wrench to leave the choir.

“It has provided me with so much enjoyment and companionship over the years.”

Paul has also been accompanist to the Tyndale Choral Society and the Cotswold Chorus, and is currently musical director of ‘Camtabile’, a mixed choir based in Cam near Dursley.

“I won’t completely disappear though,” he added. “I intend to sit in at practices occasionally and keep in contact with the many friends I have made.

“I will also continue with ‘Camtabile’ which will keep me fully occupied.”

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